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The Tontine Awards Committee is Looking for New Trustees

Are you passionate about supporting the creative arts and community building in Ottawa-Gatineau?


Do you identify as a woman or gender queer person?


Can you spare a few hours a month to contribute to a volunteer-run, grassroots initiative?

If so, please read on!

What is the Tontine Awards?

The Tontine Awards is a micro-grant initiative that was launched in 2013 to support women and gender queer folks in the creative arts in Ottawa-Gatineau. Awards of $1000 are given out two times a year (once in the fall and once in the spring) to support a creative project that engages the community in some way.

Who are the Trustees and what do they do?

The Trustees are individuals who volunteer their time and/or money to keep the Tontine Award initiative going. Some are founding members, and others have joined more recently, but we are all women who share a common commitment to supporting women and gender queer folks’ creativity in Ottawa-Gatineau. We meet approximately 4 times per year for 2 hours, usually on a Sunday afternoon, to prepare for Award launches, review applications, update our financial records, and discuss any key issues or questions that have come up since the previous meeting. We make decisions by consensus and share responsibilities on a rotating basis


What am I committing to if I become a Trustee?

We ask that each Trustee commit approximately 2 hours per month, but also aim to be flexible by taking into consideration each person’s situation. This can involve attending meetings and/or taking on tasks that can be done on your own time. Some Trustees contribute money but not time; others commit time without making a financial contribution.


What are the desired qualities of a Trustee?

Each Trustee brings different skills, talents and perspectives to the team. Some are artists and others are simply passionate about the creative arts. Some are Anglophone; others Francophone and our meetings are held in both languages. Some are younger and others have a few more smile lines on their faces. Some are savvy on social media, and others excel in planning and organizing. The most important things are to have a love for creativity, a desire to contribute to a vibrant local community, a respect for group work and democratic process, and a willingness to commit some time and take on some responsibilities to keep the Tontine initiative going.


What do I do if I’m interested in becoming a Trustee?

Please contact us at: and provide us with your name, contact information and a short (one page maximum) explanation of why you are interested in being a Tontine Trustee; what you hope to bring to the team (ex. what type of contribution you are able to offer at this time); and any concerns or questions you may want to discuss before committing to the role.


What if I’d like to donate to the Tontine Awards without becoming a Trustee?

Additional funds means that we can offer more awards! If you believe in what we’re doing and would like to support us, without being involved as a Trustee, that would be awesome. Please contact us at to discuss. All of the money we receive is used to offer awards.

* We strongly encourage trans women, queer women, women of colour, women with disabilities, HIV + women, women of all ages, including young women, immigrant women, single mothers and people from marginalized genders to apply.



* Nous invitons les femmes de tous horizons, âges et couleurs à proposer des projets créatifs. Cela comprend les personnes transgenres et allosexuelles, les femmes immigrantes, les femmes handicapées, les femmes séropositives pour le VIH, de même que les mères seules.



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